
Monday, August 25, 2014

A Nature Fix + Love for Jillian Michaels

    Ryan and I are outdoorsy people. We like greenery, mountains, and streams. You can imagine how difficult it is to find these things in New Orleans and Houston. Sure, there are beautiful parts of both cities, but sometimes I just want to climb a mountain. Fortunately, Houston has put a lot of effort and money into creating green pathways and trails. It's a decent replacement for actual trails that we anticipate to find in northern Georgia next year!
   I usually walk/run along the Buffalo Bayou pathways. Yesterday, we mixed things up a bit and walked the Cambodia Trail in Memorial Park. It was so nice to feel like you're actually in nature, away from the city. It was a fun little 3.4 out and back trail. It also provides with a decent spot for trail-running!

Right in the middle of Houston!

   I generally walk for an hour or more along Buffalo Bayou and I always listen to podcasts. It's like talk radio--most people hate talk radio, but I love it! And I love podcasts, especially ones about fitness and nutrition. After reading a post about Jillian Michaels on Julie's blog at PB Fingers, I learned Jillian had podcasts! I should have known...everyone has podcasts nowadays. 

This is how we usually view Jillian Michaels:

     Loud. Scary. Intimidating. All in a tiny little package. Most of us know her from The Biggest Loser as the "tough love" coach. I've always found her show's "character" to be terrifying, but at the same time I knew she couldn't actually act that way because who in their right mind would train with her? But her trainees LOVE her because behind the scenes she is truly rooting for and encouraging them.
   I've listened to a few of her podcasts now, and my suspicions about her TV character were correct...The Biggest Loser wants her to be a character and not a person. She's actually a very warm, sensitive, loving person.
That's better :) (Source)
   I listened to an older podcast she posted called Acceptance and Staying Motivated. She first spoke about acceptance: how to accept the things in life you can't control, whether it be your job, your friends, and your weaknesses. I won't summarize that part because you should listen!
   I will summarize the next portion of the podcast--staying motivated while working out. I deal with workout boredom by trying to make creative workout routines, like my Boredom Busting Circuit I posted the other day. Here are some of Jillian Michaels' tips:

1. Workout Playlist: "Sometimes I take a class, and I don't like the music...or if I forget my's the worst...I need my music to get me through a workout."
       I'm with her on this one. I cannot get on a piece of cardio gym equipment without music or Netflix. I will do strength work without music, but that's usually because it drives me crazy to lift weights or do burpees and have headphones get in the way!

2. Change your Environment: "I have worked out at home, and I get sick of staring at my own four walls. If that's the case, I get to the gym...And then I get sick of seeing the gym...then I take a class at a studio, and when I get sick of that studio I got to another studio and take another class."
       Unfortunately, studio classes are not in my price range. Yoga, pilates, and barre classes are ridiculously expensive. But I do mix things up with Amazon yoga and pilates videos. I also have a basic foundation in ballet, so I can create my own barre workout. By far the best way for me to change my environment is to find a new green space, like Ryan and I found yesterday in Memorial Park!
        Seriously, if the thought of working out bores you, it's time to change things around. Our bodies want change anyway. It keeps us in better shape :)

If you live in New Orleans, do yourself a favor and go walk/run in City Park.
3. Change your Program: "We often get caught in the routine of I go to the gym...I do this machine for 20 reps...I do that machine for 20 reps...I do this then I do that...and then I go home." If you constantly do the same routine over and over again, week after week after week, "your body is going to adapt to outside stimulus."
      Always read more and research more about new fitness moves and trends. Sure, CrossFit is trendy. But it's also a great workout, when done correctly. Don't just go to the gym, do 30 minutes of cardio, some bicep curls, some crunches, and go home. That's not challenging and I promise you're capable of more than that.

4. Set a Goal for the Month: "Count your workouts. This gives me a little more flexibility. I can say This month I'm going to get 12 workouts in..which is three a week generally. So I set it at 12, and if I get more in, great! But when I start thinking Oh my gosh I didn't get to the gym today...I gotta go tomorrow and then the next day, all that thinking overwhelms me...It becomes more manageable [this way]."
     This is a great tip she gives us. A monthly minimum makes working out seem less daunting. I personally just try to find time everyday to workout. That way, on the days I'm just not into it, it's okay because I worked out the day before. This strategy has allowed me to get in 4-5 solid workouts a week, with a few low-impact walks here and there. But if time doesn't allow you to do this, then Jillian's strategy works great!

5. Cross Training: "The concept of cross training is conditioning your body in a myriad of ways. And this allows you to be more functional and I want you to think about training your weaknesses, not your strength.  Do some track and field some kettle bell some body weight stuff.
    "When you talk about making your body its most fit and most functional, training your weaknesses and training your body in many different ways is going to help you be more efficient...every two weeks you need to change up your routine."
    I am a master at changing up my routine, because I don't have one! I try to work major muscle groups frequently, but I do not use the same workout routine each time. For example, today I did the Quads and Hamstrings Killer Legs Workout, which I haven't done in over a month. Last week I did sprints for my legs. Next week I'll do something else. I don't do well with repetition. I need new routines!

Ok She's done! And I'm done! Jillian Michaels has podcasts that go back three years, and they're all fantastic. She's helpful and caring, and I love her. I love happy, passionate celebrity trainers because I belive they do a lot of good. Alright enough gushing.

Question to Readers: Who is your favorite celebrity (or not a celebrity!) trainer and why? I realyl don't have a favorite, but I do think Tony Horton is pretty funny!

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