
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Motivational Techniques We Should NEVER Use

  Today's post is a tad long because first I have to get something off my chest, and then I have two delicious (paleo friendly) recipes to share!

   While I was looking on Pinterest for new workout ideas, I came upon a collection of pins titled "thinspiration." I hate crap like that. There are pin boards full of skinny teenagers and terrible motivational advice. Then I thought about how I actually know people who use these techniques. These techniques are not healthy, and when taken too far they can create disordered eating and body dismorphia. So if any of these sound familiar, perhaps it's time to search for better motivation.

 1. Skinny Pictures
      Your bathroom, bedroom, and/or wallet should not have pictures of skinny women in it. I actually saw this picture near someone's scale. Why?

   No one's thighs can actually do that. Okay, so maybe Miranda Kerr's thighs can do that, but she was born that way. Thighs can and should touch. It's fine. No more "thigh gap" or "bikini body" pictures. The women in those pictures are either (a) hungry or (b) born with a natural thigh gap that they have to work very hard to maintain.

Instead: Display pictures of you being happy. Happiness is the best motivation. And instead of browsing through hundreds of pictures of skinny women from magazines, look for workout ideas in men's magazines. You don't have to compare yourself to them, and there won't be any subtle female body shaming.

2. Unhealthy Motivational Sayings
 Here are some examples of sayings/mottos/mantras I've witnessed people using to stay motivated
  • A moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips. 
  • Food never tastes as good as skinny/fit/healthy feels. 
  • The hungrier you are, the more fat you burn.
  • Every time you say no to food, you say yes to healthy.

     Those mottos are all about denial. You're denying yourself something you want because you want to look a certain way. That is NEVER going to work. Honestly, you don't care that much about being a specific size. There is a deeper reason for everyone's health & fitness journey. That's what you need to find.
     The creators of those awful sayings should find Paleo. Then they will never again have to deny themselves because paleo food is delicious :) (See recipes below for proof!)

Instead: Give these a try!
  • If I have a body, I am  an athlete.
  • The one who struggles hasn't quit.
  • Aim for progress, not perfection.
  • Train hard, live easy. (This one is on both of my Elwood Fitness shirts!)
I'm not big on using sayings, but that's just me. I know I'm happier when I've eaten well and exercised, so I just aim to be happy :) Creating consistent, healthy habits now will make it easier to stay consistent and healthy later in life!

3. Specific Weight
    I noticed a friend had a specific target weight written down on a post it on her iphone case. This one isn't nearly as problematic as the other two, but I still believe there is a better way to go about reaching your goals. Why is that number your goal? Is it tied to a certain time in your life? Is that what you weighed at age 20? You want to be in the 120s or 130s or 140s or anywhere in the 100s just because those numbers sound good? Think about the reason. In my opinion, numbers don't carry enough meaning to keep us motivated.

Instead: Choose a goal with meaning. Running wasn't always a healthy activity for me. I abused the exercise by running too much and eating too little. So when I ran my first half-marathon, I wanted to do it the right way. I wanted to be healthy and fit, not ____ pounds. For me, the half marathon represented conquering an old vice, and my runs had more meaning than 100kcals/mile.

Pick a fitness goal. Here are some great examples:
  • Run a 5k/10k in ____ minutes.
  • Complete 25 regular push ups without stopping.
  • 1 minute plank (or a 3 minute plank!)
  • Touch my toes
  • Keep up with my spouse at the gym!
  • Complete a yoga class and be able to do all of the poses.
  • Run 1 mile in ____ minutes.
  • Be able to squat jump for 1 minute.
  • Master the clapping push up!
  • To feel FAST when you sprint.
  • Complete the whole Body Pump class without resting in the middle of sets

  If you're focused on a fitness goal, then the desire to complete workouts that will bring you closer to your goal will come more naturally. You're not just going to the're working towards something you feel is truly important. 

Ok, enough of that! It's time to share two delicious recipes.

For this first one, I used Sharwood's Green Curry sauce. I found it at Trader Joe's, but I've also seen it at Kroger and Rouses.

My next recipe is one of my favorites. Indian spiced sweet potatoes! They're delicious. Here's the recipe:

And here's dinner!
I could eat my weight in those potatoes. :)

Naturally, I served the curry over a pile of mixed greens. You could also serve it over spaghetti squash.

Question: What keeps you motivated to stay happy and healthy? Scroll all the way down to comment :)


  1. Touch your toes is more of a life goal for me. They might as well be in China. I've been closer or farther from the goal at different points. But those stubborn toes just won't move any closer.

    1. I'm the same way with straddles or pancake splits or whatever they're officially called. Even at my peak flexibility in gymnastics, that was one stretch I couldn't master. Not meant to be!
