
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Buffalo Turkey Burgers + "The Hundred" Fitness Challenge!

Fall is on the horizon! Houston cooled down to a "cool" 75 degrees. Ryan and I were able to go for a run in the middle of the day! We haven't been able to do that since May!

To celebrate Fall, I changed up my nail polish color to this purple-ish color from Julep:

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Perfect color!

I have two things to share with you today: a recipe for Paleo Buffalo Turkey Burgers and "The Hundred" workout challenge! Let's start with food :)

I'm not that skilled when it comes to making burgers, but these came out great and are a perfect salad-topper! (We of course don't use burger buns, but you can make a paleo burger bun with this recipe.)

Here's what you'll need:
1lb ground turkey
2 slices of bacon, chopped
3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 egg
1/3 cup ground flax
1/4 cup buffalo sauce (for a paleo-friendly version, I suggest Texas Pete )
1 small Hawaii sweet onion, diced
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
salt and pepper
dash of Tony's
Serve with (optional): avocado, tomato, pepper jack cheese

Cook chopped bacon over medium high heat until crispy. While bacon is cooking, combine all other ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix well. Don't be afraid to use your hands! Add bacon when it's crispy. Form 8 small or 4 large turkey burger patties and cook for 8-10 minutes over medium heat.

I wish I had a pretty picture to show you, but I couldn't make the extra ingredients balance on the patty correctly. #foodbloggerproblems ;)

So I just took a picture of my salad! I threw two small patties on top of a large, veggie-packed salad:

Paleo bowl of yum :)

Topic #2: 

It's quite simple: you choose an exercise that allows you to measure fitness, like burpees, squat jumps, push ups, or pull ups. Then time yourself to see how long it takes to complete 100 reps of that exercise.

I have completed "The Hundred" challenge with two exercises: push ups and burpees. Here are my current stats:

100 Push-ups: 4 minutes, 43 seconds
100 Burpees: 10 minutes, 36 seconds

For both exercises, I can get through the first 50 without slowing down too much. The second set of 50....whew those are tough!

These exercises are indicators of fitness, so the big idea here is to complete this challenge every 4-6 weeks and see if you're completion time (and therefore your fitness) improves! Today I did 100 burpees for the first time, and it's no easy task. 

My next "hundred" challenge will be squat jumps :)

If you want to see what this looks like, here's a video from the website that inspired me to complete the challenge: 12 Minute Athlete!

So go challenge yourself!

Question to Readers: What exercise do you complete that you would consider a real challenge? For me, these 100 challenges and sprinting are pretty tough! Scroll down to comment! I'd love to hear from you :)

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