
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Can Vegetarians and Paleo Omnivores Get Along?

Getty/Timothy Clary

Ryan found this interesting article for me to read about Bill Clinton's diet, and it has inspired this post! The article discusses Bill Clinton's current diet, which is watched carefully by two doctors. One doctor preaches a low-fat, animal-product-free diet. The other is an advocate of fat and says that cereal (instead of eggs) for breakfast is one of the worst things that could have happened to the American diet. So what gives? Can Clinton really follow both?

Throughout my journey to discover what "healthy" really means and what we should be eating, I've leaned many different directions. At one point, I thought "healthy" meant eating as few calories as possible. Grilled chicken and steamed spinach for everyone!

I've also gotten on the vegetarian bandwagon once or twice. I never stopped eating meat all together at any point, but I went through a few periods in my life when I ate very little meat. I watched my fair share of vegetarian/vegan-leaning documentaries. I've seen Forks Over Knives, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, Food Inc, and Vegucated. (All of those documentaries are available on Netflix.) I am well aware that regular meat comes from factory farms, where the term "farm" couldn't be further from the truth. I've read about The China Study and I've listened to numerous experts on the dangers of the current American lifestyle.

I know how and where vegetarians and vegans get their protein. I know those who choose to follow vegetarian or vegan diets in a healthy, junk-food-free way are not lacking in major nutrients. I would never sit down to lunch with a vegetarian friend and ask them annoying questions, like "Don't you miss bacon?" or  "would you eat meat if you were on a deserted island?"  (Please don't ask those questions.) I would never tell a vegetarian or vegan "I just couldn't see myself ever giving up meat" or the hilarious "Plants have feelings, too." They don't want to hear that, and there's no point and saying it.

My point here is that I'm well aware of the studies and arguments touted in the vegetarian community. And guess what? I agree with most of it. 

Here are a few ways vegetarians and paleo omnivores cross paths:

Vegetables and fruits are incredibly important. I know you know that, but more plants! The image of a paleo dieter may be a caveman chowing down on a large piece of meat, but meat is not the most important part of the diet. Load up on nutrient-packed veggies, eat large salads, and include vegetables with every meal.

What are whole foods? REAL food. Most things that come in packages and boxes do not count. You know the drill: walk the perimeter of the grocery store (skipping the bakery section!) and avoid the middle aisles as much as possible.

The conditions in big-business farms are appalling. Watching a movie like Vegucated will make you think twice before buying discount Walmart meat. Factory farms are truly terrifying.

Eggs for everyone! If I would ever become a Paleo vegetarian (they do exist!), then I would probably double my egg consumption. Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, and they have loads of both protein and fat. Perfect!

No explanation needed. Just spoonfuls of yum :)

So Bill Clinton may have found the best of both worlds. He consumes a high-fat diet with lots of plants! On this plan, he lost weight and significantly lowered his risk of heart disease. Let me say that again: While eating a high-fat diet, Bill Clinton lost weight and lowered his risk of heart disease.

If you're interested, here are the links to two articles about Clinton and his dietary choices:
"A Mutable Feast" Two different doctors with two different styles.
Dr. Hyman "Tells the Clintons how to Lose a Little"

Question to Readers: What is your favorite fat to add into your diet? After yesterday's post, I'm sure you noticed my love of avocados and nut butters :)

Scroll down to comment!

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