
Friday, September 19, 2014

Leftover Champion + A Whole Body Target Workout

I've had quite a week! Despite the new schedule changes, I was able to keep up with the frequency of workouts; however, I didn't have time to get in both an upper body and lower body strength/lifting workout, (read here about my weekly workout system!) so I created a combo circuit session to include both! Here's an Upper & Lower Dual Target Workout!

Complete Rounds 1-3 twice each.
Round 4 is completed once, unless you want more!

 Now let's move on to some yummy leftover solutions!

About a month ago, I made pork carnitas and had a ton of leftovers. We tried to eat as much as we could, but we can only eat pork so many times in a week! So I put 2 lbs of pork into the freezer without thinking about freezing it in single servings. Instead, I froze all 2lbs of meat in one large block, resulting in this week's surplus of pork.

With a new job beginning this week, I figured having pre-cooked pork would be a quick and easy solution while I figure out my daily routine and schedule. Because I froze it all at once, I had to thaw it all at once. That means pork for breakfast and lunch for a few days. We also have meat sauce and lentil soup leftovers waiting to be eaten.

So many ziploc containers!
It's time to get creative! Well...these solutions aren't incredibly creative, but at least it keeps me from growing bored!

"Mason Jar Salad" prep

I have four enormous chunks of pork...the goal is to have half of one for breakfast and the other half for lunch for four days.

Enormous, loaded salads are always a good choice!

I had this meal twice for lunch this week: a "mason jar" salad...just not in a mason jar. I put the dressing at the bottom, followed by thicker vegetables like cabbage and bell peppers because they won't get soggy. Then I add lettuce, tomatoes, and 1/2 slice of pork. Shake it all up at lunch time and enjoy!

Then for breakfast, I chopped up the other half of the pork and scramble it with eggs and spinach. I forgot to snap a picture this morning, so you'll just have to imagine it!

For another breakfast this week, I chopped up pork and added it to spaghetti squash and meat sauce.

Question to Readers: How do you deal with a large amount of leftovers, aside from freezing? Any creative meal ideas??? I've also thrown leftovers into a frittata!

Happy Friday!

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