
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe

   It's another day in September with a heat index of 105. But as I was watching Good Morning America, I noticed many of the fans out in Times Square wearing sweaters. If they can wear sweaters, then I can make a Paleo-friendly pumpkin latte!

   Instead of spending $4 on a Starbucks pumpkin latte with questionable ingredients, I decided to make my own version, and of course it follows paleo principles!

Info-graphic from!

Here's my recipe with real-food ingredients!

If you're fancy and have a cappucino machine,
 then you can froth the milk!

      Then I put my caffeine boost to use and completed this Tabata-style cardio circuit! What is tabata? It's a form of exercise that involves an all-out 100% effort for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of recovery. You repeat this 8 times for a 4 minute session. I find tabatas are more effective with sprinting - after 4 minutes, I'm done. I go for a walk to let my legs recover, but there will be no more sprinting or intense exercise that day. Go ahead, give it a try :)
      Tabata-style workouts with bodyweight exercises are much easier, and I can repeat a 4-minute session many times. So here's the tabata-style bodyweight workout I completed: 

  The most important part about tabata-style workouts is truly giving 100% during each 20s exercise. If you aren't giving 100%, then you don't get the benefits of frequent high intensity! You still get some benefits, but if you're a busy individual short on time to workout, tabata is right for you! So give it your all :)

Question to readers: What Fall season food are you looking forward to? I love Thanksgiving food, so keep an eye out for Paleo Thanksgiving recipes in the near future! I don't care if it's not even officially Fall yet :)

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