
Friday, October 17, 2014

Paleo Food Friday #4

Wohoo! Fourth installment!

Graphic from Buzzfeed...assuming Buzzfeed didn't steal it.

I'm sure I've made this clear by now, but I don't like wasting a meal on bland, boring food. On my weekly Paleo Food Friday posts, I can show you want I eat throughout the week and how I try to mix things up a bit!

I began Paleo Food Friday to show those who are curious what "being Paleo" really looks like on a day to day basis. So I snap pictures of my meals each day and post them here so you can see the reality of the dietary lifestyle.

Previous Paleo Food Friday Posts: PFF #1, PFF #2, PFF #3

So without further ado, let's get started!

Of course I'm going to start us off with breakfast, my favorite time of the day :) I had some leftovers from my Chicken Bacon Broccoli Alfredo recipe earlier in the week. Leftovers are perfect in eggs! I chopped up my chicken and broccoli, red bell peppers, and chili peppers in adobo sauce. I sauteed my chopped ingredients in a small omelet pan, and then I added 2 scrambled eggs. I covered the eggs, let it cook for 5-7 minutes, and served it with half of an avocado. It was delicious.

So this meal may look as if I got it from a cafeteria, but it was actually from this fantastic "fast food" restaurant called The Funky Chicken. This restaurant serves free-range chicken for a great price. You can order parts of a chicken or a whole chicken for a family-sized meal. It comes roasted or crispy (a.k.a fried), and I went with roasted. I also opted for roasted brussell sprouts and a quinoa salad. Even though it all looks pretty plain, it was quite good. Ryan and I will definitely frequent this place for a quick, cheap, and healthy meal.

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 Monday night, I made Cauliflower Pizza Bites, a recipe that has been one of my most popular on my blog's short existence. It's a perfect healthy game-day option, and even though I don't have kids, I'm sure it's a great recipe for kids, too! We had pizza bites with a side of garlic roasted broccoli.

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More breakfast! Tuesday's breakfast included Aidell's Habanero Chicken Sausage, a banana, and pumpkin dip. I made a sort of protein pumpkin dip with pumpkin, almond butter, a drizzle of coconut milk, a dollop of plain Greek yogurt (not officially can replace with coconut butter or coconut cream), vanilla, and pumpkin pie spice.

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Giant leftover salad! On Wednesday I had to attend a virtual "class" for grad school. I wasn't sure how long it would last, so dinner was quickly thrown together. Fortunately, we had a ton of leftover cauliflower pizza bites, which also showed up in Thursday's breakfast! On top of a large bed of mixed baby greens and romaine I have: yellow bell pepper, sliced beets, tomatoes, olives, avocado, chopped pepperoni slices, goat cheese, and crumbled cauliflower pizza bites. It was like a giant pizza salad! And that may not sound appealing to you, but I was happy about it :) I love loaded salads.

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Roasted sweet plantains! I actually wrote a post about these earlier this week. I love sweet plantains, and they're super simple to make! The only problem is that it takes a few weeks for plantains to reach that black color needed to make sweet plantain chips. Click here for a recipe!

Yesterday I made Bacon Chili Stuffed Sweet Potatoes (which are quickly becoming a favorite around here), and I had an irritatingly small amount of left over ground beef that needed to be used up. So I browned it, seasoned it with chili powder, smoked paprika, and Trader Joe's South African Smoke Seasoning Blend, and threw it in with scrambled eggs and sliced grape tomatoes. I also had half an avocado and a giant cup of coffee :)

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NON-PALEO FOOD ITEM OF THE WEEK: because we're all human

Source: CandyWarehouse

Dove Peanut Butter Milk Chocolate - these were a PROBLEM this week! They were so delicious that I struggled to eat just one. I can usually have one piece of chocolate, but these were so good I found myself walking back to the pantry to grab another one. Fortunately, thanks to a combined household effort, they're gone now. I probably shouldn't get them again anytime soon :)

Question: Did you eat anything delicious this week? For next week's post, I'll have Sunday's eats which will include a GIANT turkey leg from Ren Fest!

Happy Friday!

Previous Paleo Food Friday Posts:
Paleo Food Friday #1,
Paleo Food Friday #2,
Paleo Food Friday #3

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