
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Paleo Food Friday #8

It's Friday! This time next week I'll be packing my bags to head home to New Orleans for a Thanksgiving vacation filled with family and friends. I can't wait!

This week has been a roller coaster. Students are showing a lot of holiday anxiety and trying to get assignments done and grades in has proved challenging. I'm bracing myself for this coming week before the holidays and hoping the days go smoothly :) Next Friday, our class is hosting a Thanksgiving Feast for the school. I'm a little nervous about the outcome, but I've been told the students really rise to the occasion. Cross your fingers for us!

Now on to today's topic:

If you haven't read a Paleo Food Friday post before, I decided to start this weekly post a couple of months ago after getting a bunch of questions about how realistic and feasible Paleo was. So each week I post pictures of Paleo meals I had throughout the week. I got to try a few brand new recipes this week, most of which were successful!

Ryan and I generally only buy food we need for the week, so once we've cooked the planned meals and eaten the leftovers and snacks, our refrigerator becomes quite empty. We did have a few veggies left, so I made this colorful salad with beets, bell pepper, tomatoes, nuts, salt&pepper, and olive oil.

I've been looking for a good Paleo tortilla recipe. The ones made of cauliflower look like they'll just fall apart (although I haven't actually tried yet), so when I found one using tapioca starch on Primally Inspired I decided to give them a try. 

They were...interesting. The recipe calls for pumpkin, flax, tapioca starch, eggs, butter, and some seasonings. The tapioca starch, which helped the tortillas be sturdy enough to make tacos, created this rubbery uncooked feeling. They were a half-decent replacement for tortillas, but probably not something I'd try again. The rest of the taco was delicious!

We had a few leftover tortillas from Sunday's dinner, so of course I made a breakfast wrap :) Love breakfast.

Scrambled eggs, chicken sausage, salsa, and guac!
I guess I should give cauliflower tortillas a try next!

I LOVED Tuesday's dinner! Chorizo & Pumpkin Chili - I wish I had doubled the recipe. The temperature dropped all day Tuesday, so a large pot of chili was exactly what was needed! I posted the recipe here. I thought the ingredients would be odd together, but instead they made a perfect dish that tasted like Fall!

Leftover salad! Everything goes good on salad, including Chorizo & Pumpkin Chili.

I don't really have a name for Thursday's dinner...maybe "Pizza Frittata?" Thursday night I made a frittata loaded with ingredients: bacon, pepperoni, red onion, red bell pepper, kale, and tomatoes. I don't have an exact recipe yet, but it's coming soon!

This morning's breakfast was made up of three things that really don't go together. There were some items in our fridge that needed to be eaten, so they became breakfast. 

First I ate the avocado with salsa and chicken broth (in the polka dot mug). The homemade chicken broth, which Ryan and I drink when we're feeling sick, had been in the fridge 4 days after coming out of the freezer, so it was time to use it up. It may seem strange to drink straight broth, but the homemade-cooked-all-day stuff is really good for you. 

I also had pumpkin mixed with almond butter and coconut. And I had coffee :) It was an interesting breakfast. 

NON-PALEO FOOD ITEM...because we're all human and life's too short: Bubble Tea!
New Orleans had a few good bubble tea places, and I've heard that Houston has TONS of great bubble tea. Ryan went to this place called The Teahouse when he was in college, so I decided to try it with a friend. We both ordered a Taro Coconut smoothie with tapioca. It was so delicious!

Previous Paleo Food Fridays
Paleo Food Friday #7

Question: What are some delicious recipes you made this week?

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Yum that pizza frittata sounds great, I'm excited for the recipe! Your Thanksgiving at school sounds like a lot of fun :)
