
Monday, December 1, 2014

Healthy Habits in the Four Weeks Until Christmas

Last week I managed a measly two blog posts, so this week I can't wait to get back into the swing of things! Just like good blogging habits fall to the wayside during the holidays, so do good eating habits. I know this isn't a novel topic. Dealing with excess food and lack of routine is something we deal with every year...and every year I fail to ignore the calls of fudge, pecan pie, an extra helping of mashed potatoes, and the countless excuses to not workout.

Ultimately, that's okay. There's nothing wrong with taking some time to relax on the rules and enjoy time with family without restrictions.

However, it is still important to get right back on track! It's hard enough going back to work during the holiday season. Let's make it easier by eating well, moving a lot, and getting plenty of sleep! We'll feel better, be less likely to get sick, and be able to thoroughly enjoy the upcoming holiday!

Here are a few healthy habits I'm hoping to maintain in the next month:

This one isn't easy, especially if this is the end of your fiscal year and it's crunch time at work or if you're a teacher and the kids grow more hyper with each coming week. But be mindful of your health! You'll be more useful and productive when you go to sleep early.

If you have trouble sleeping, try some simple fixes like turning lights off early, closing down electronics, drinking naturally decaffeinated tea (chamomile especially), stretching an hour before bed, and getting up close to the same time each day including weekends.

I was fortunate enough to have four Thanksgiving celebrations: one at work, one with my grandmother at her senior home, one with my family, and one with Ryan's family. (All on different days!) For the first two celebrations, I should have gone into the meals with a plan! That was a big mistake. When holidays come around, I get excited, eat all the food I haven't had in a year, and feel pretty yucky afterwards. So here's my plan for upcoming Christmas parties this month: Stick to protein and fats (like meats, nuts, and cheeses) and veggie dishes. Avoid carby dishes like potatoes and desserts. With that said, I know I won't really stay away from carby dishes. So what I plan to do is sort of scan the room, fill up on protein and veggies, and then decide which "carbier" options are worth the splurge. For example, cupcakes/cookies/brownies are all delicious, but they're quite common and not at all worth straying from the plan. A homemade pecan pie, on the other hand, is a different story :) So eat well, make room for a small indulgence that's worth it, and go home feeling happy with yourself!

There's no substitute for a large, leafy salad! As soon as Ryan and I made it back to Houston, we had salads. It's the perfect meal to switch your brain back into "healthy" mode. I'm going to make an effort in this next month to eat several salads a week. I usually bring a large salad to lunch and have a small salad with dinner, so sticking with that system is my best bet for getting in veggies.
It also helps to buy extra veggies when planning your meals for the week. I made soup for dinner tonight that included shredded broccoli and kale. I bought twice as much as I needed, and now I have extra greens lying around to add to salads, scrambled eggs, or whatever else comes to mind!

There are a couple of reasons I'm including this one. First, even though it's not hot, your body is still losing water and your skin dries out. Drink up! Secondly, (and this may not apply to anyone but me!) I drink more alcohol when I'm visiting family and friends over the holidays. There's nothing wrong with it, but it does mean that I need to drink more water. Also, when you're feeling groggy after a large holiday meal, water will help you perk up a bit!

I say this as a southerner who has only mild winters. It's important to get outside and get moving! We naturally want to consume more calories during the winter months, even if we don't intend to, so it's important to move just as much as we did during the Fall. If you live in a colder region, then it's time to scour Pinterest for indoor home workouts! (I have a bunch of ideas on my workout page!)

I hope I can take my own advice and stick to healthier habits :) If I can be somewhat successful, then I can enjoy the Christmas holiday with little worry!

Question to readers: What keeps you healthy and motivated during the cold winter months?

Good night!

1 comment:

  1. I think these are all great, balanced goals! I am sticking to a healthy workout and healthy eating plan for the next few weeks until I go to my cousins' house for Christmas. That way I will be able to relax and eat a few more special treats on the holiday :)
