
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Another Article About New Year's Resolutions

It's December 27th, and there are countless blog posts and articles showing up on news feeds about how we should or shouldn't make our resolutions for the new year. One article claims we should do away with resolutions all together, another claims we've been doing it all wrong, and another faults anyone who makes "vain" resolutions related to health and fitness.

It might just be me, but I find resolutions to be a personal matter. Those who create resolutions year after year are working on themselves, and that's awesome in and of itself. There's no need to have another fame-seeking fitness trainer or life coach telling us that our resolutions are too vague and don't have enough purpose behind them. WhatEver. My resolutions to "walk more" and "eat less sugar" are just fine, thank you.

So make your list vague or write yourself a detailed manifesto. Post the list on the fridge or hide it in a junk drawer. Reflect on your list in a month or burn it in the fireplace. They're your resolutions, and there's no "right" way to go about making that list.

With that said, I have this new blogging habit that compels me to make my resolutions public. Earlier this year, I created a list of Autumn Resolutions. It just made more sense to me...we just moved to Houston, I had a new job, and I started working out differently. And Autumn is inspiring :) So I made Autumn Resolutions.

For this new year, I have only two resolutions: walk more and eat less sugar. Yes, they're vague. They don't require much explanation either. I'm happy with my tough workouts, but I also want to include more low-impact, stress-relieving long walks. And I want to eat less sugar and carby further explanation needed.

As long as you create a list that's true to you and improvements you want to make for yourself, then your list is just fine.

Question: What are your goals for the new year? What fitness/health advice are you tired of hearing???

1 comment:

  1. Well given the town I`m in, I`m sick of hearing how Yoga + Kale are somehow the secret to eternal life. I`m not the right kind of bendy for Yoga...or at least I feel unhappy doing it. And Kale taste terrible....except as chips.
    My year is pretty cram packed with plans that come close to being resolutions. Since I`m staying with my husband in Canada, but can`t work. I thought I should be productive. So promises of swimming, practicing flute, studying latin & french, embroider things, learning to cook better....I have a big list. BUT lots of time. So in the end the resolution is probably
    Use my massive amount of time to learn and grow, not just play video games.
