
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Push Ups & Planks Workout and A New Blogging Venue

  After yesterday's long and overly-honest post about being true to my self, today's post will be shorter and much simpler! 

        I really enjoyed my long walk yesterday, and I felt another walk coming on this morning.  On the news, they said thunderstorms would be rolling in, so I needed to get my butt moving. I downloaded a few podcasts and selected two that added up to an hour. (It's always a good idea to PLAN your workouts!) Don't for one second assume you can mosey during your walking cardio workouts. Move. Your. Butt! I run frequently and do many different types of strength exercises, but something about walking fast the last two days has made my glutes and back sore!

Just some fun flowers I saw on my walk.

          After my walk, I planned my Push ups and Planks Workout. The wonderful thing about push ups and planks is that they're really the same thing. A push up is just a moving plank. If there are any exercises you can't do on your toes, then you can do adapted push ups and planks on your knees. I've also included a bunch of videos below in case you're unsure what exercise I'm talking about.

Do each super set only once, unless you're feeling adventurous!

Links to videos:
Planks: PlankSide Plank
Misc: Supermen
Push Ups: regular, tricep, clapping (I had to do these resting on my knees!)

   As you've noticed, my blog looks a little different. I changed from WordPress to Blogger and transferring posts took a good bit of time. So I'm ending here, with a picture of salad :) Because...vegetables. 

 I had two salads today. This one was lunch and I topped some spring mix with purple cabbage, goat cheese, Aidell's Habanero chicken sausage, and cilantro. The salad we had at dinner (which is not pictured here because the photo came out so badly that the salad looked like a pile of slop) was topped with left over Carnitas and Cauliflower Rice. What can I say...I like putting weird things on salad. 

Question: What do you like to put on salads?
We could all use some creative ideas to spice up a bland pile of lettuce!


  1. Dried Cranberries, Walnuts, Feta + Raspberry vinaigrette
    Artichoke hearts, olives, croutons, Parmesan + Ceasar..sometimes chicken
    mandarin oranges OR carrots, crispy noodles, cucumber + Peanut Sauce....sometimes shrimp
    -Theresa R

  2. Artichoke and olives. Sounds delicious!

  3. I'm so sad there isn't a Sweet Green in Texas for you. The place makes me actually like salad! You should just look at their menu to get inspiration and try recreating some. I love sweet potatoes and broccoli or cauliflower on a salad now. I also have been buying Delallo Salad Savors because it makes salad creation simple, just add a bag of greens.

    1. That looks fantastic! We do have someplace similar called Revival Market. Houston usually has everything, so maybe they'll get one soon :)
