
Friday, July 25, 2014

Sprint Bike Workout + Homemade Broth

  First of all, thanks for clicking on a post about chicken broth =) I know it sounds pretty snooze-worthy, but it's something that I have recently discovered,  and I may quickly become obsessed with it. But before we get to that, let's take a quick look at my workout today!

  I felt like going on another walk today. That's three this week! I'm walking fast and my hamstrings are feeling the burn. It's awesome. My ankle is feeling much better, so I threw in a few slow jogs during the run. No pains or twinges. So I guess I can take things slowly =) I walked for an hour, and then I completed a sprint workout on the stationary bike. I'm sure one day I'll write my own post about the benefits of sprinting, but since I haven't had enough experience with it, I'll direct you to a few resources that can explain the topic much better than I can.

Why We Don't Sprint Anymore, Even Though We Should- another gem from Mark's Daily Apple
15 More Reasons to Sprint This Year
Sprinting for Physique

Here's my 15 minute sprint workout:

     A few quick comments: I used an upright stationary bike (not the kind where you sit back) for this sprint. The level options on the bike were 1-20, so the "@ 10/20" means I was using level 10.
What do I mean by sprint? Pedal as hard and as fast as you can. When you're going at a slow pace, don't mosey. Keep your speed to about 75-80 rpms. If you need longer recovery between sprints, take it. It's better to have a quality sprint than to put forth only half the effort because you're still recovering for your last one.

     Now let's talk about how wonderful rotisserie chicken can be. It's quick, cheap, delicious, and can be used to make your own chicken broth. Why would you do that when store-bought broth is pretty cheap? 

1. It tastes better. It tastes like chicken noodle soup.
2. If you're buying natural or organic, making your own is cheaper. 
3. It boosts your immune system and is more nutritious. (Calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, gelatin, collagen, and glycine)
4. It's less wasteful.
5. Because it tastes better, your cooking will taste better too!

It's so easy.  Here's a simple recipe I use to create homemade chicken broth:

12 cups water
Rotisserie Chicken (or leftovers from your Whole Roasted Chicken) bones and tendons
1 tablespoon apple cider
4 cloves garlic, crushed
3 carrots, roughly chopped
2 celery stalks, roughly chopped
1 onion, quartered
2 bay leaves 
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper

1. Purchase and eat rotisserie chicken. =)
2. In a crock-pot, place 12 cups of water and all ingredients, except parsley.
3. Cook on low for 24 hours. Yes, 24 hours is a long time, but it makes the best tasting broth. 
4. Pour through strainer into a bowl. (Please don't pour the broth down the sink. That would be sad.)
5. Use a mesh strainer to remove any small pieces left over. 
6. Allow to cool, then store in refrigerator for 3-4 days or in the freezer for months!

This recipe makes about 11 cups of chicken broth. Stock up on your Tupperware!

There is a chicken under all those veggies, I promise!

It even looks better than the store bought stuff :)

Question: What would you make homemade if you had more time?

Good night!


  1. Well I certainly like step one. And man there are so many ways to use those chickens for days! I definitely need a crock pot eventually. But my big pot would work. I will totally do this more often.
    If I had all the time in the world I would make more homemade bread. I feel the effort balances out some of the bad, and if contains so much less of what really IS bad about bread today. In college I had a bread-maker and that was surprisingly handy, for pizza dough too.
    But I do a fair amount of home made sushi (no raw at home) and dim sum. So thats awesome.

    1. I think as long as you have an electric stove, it's perfectly fine to use a stock pot instead. (I personally would be a little terrified to leave a gas stove on all night!)

      I should look into homemade sushi. We love sushi, but we don't get it often because it can be so expensive!

  2. I'm inspired by this. I need to make my own broth. So useful and so much less sodium than store-bought broths and soups!

    1. And it makes a TON of broth. We have so much in our freezer :)
