
Monday, September 29, 2014

Autumn Resolutions...because Fall is more motivating than Winter!

I, like many other women these days, really enjoy the Fall. I love the decorations, the flavors, the colors, and the nicer weather. Fall brings in a new school year and gives me another chance to begin again. This is my fourth year teaching, and I feel like I'm completely remaking myself...for the fourth time.

It's cold and dark in January. The holidays are over, and I'm over the weather by then. So why do I have to wait for New Years to create new goals for myself? Let's start now. New school year, new city, new job, new goals.

1. Smile everyday at work.
This one is difficult. Teaching is acting. No matter what you're going through or how you're feeling, you have to be "on" for your students. You're their rock 5 days a week, 9 months a year. This new job requires even more patience from me than what I've experienced in the last few years. I'm grateful to have this experience because I know it'll make me a better teacher. Even though I'm exhausted every day when I get home, I'm not as cynical and frustrated as I was coming from my previous teaching job. So my first Autumn resolution is to have a smile on my face every day at work and be super patient :)

2. Remain consistent with my workouts.
I used to have a love/hate relationship with fitness. About 7-8 years ago, I began a very unhealthy exercise regimen, and since then I've struggled to see fitness in a positive light. I've always tried to make exercise a priority, but I was still bitter towards it. I'm in a better place now, and I've gotten into a good workout groove over the past 4 months. I have been successfully completing 4-5 challenging workouts a week and have been making sure I go for walks on the days I don't workout. I feel strong and happy :) And I sleep like a rock on the days I workout before teaching!

3. Eat more vegetables at breakfast.
I reflect on my food choices a lot, and I know I'm pretty good at including enough veggies during lunch and dinner. There's ample room for improvement at breakfast. I often have fruit or pumpkin for breakfast along with eggs or almond butter, but it would be better if I could throw in bell peppers, tomatoes, or sauteed spinach more often during breakfast. 

4. Stretch more often.
Strength workouts and running cause muscles to tighten. If I don't remember to stretch, I'll lose the flexibility that has allowed me to remain agile and injury-free!

5. Get into a blogging schedule. 
This one is tough. You may not believe it, but blogging takes up a TON of time. I would love to get into some sort of set schedule, but most of the time I squeeze in the writing whenever I can. Fortunately, the "creation" portion of my blog (the workouts and recipes) are just part of my everyday life so they don't take up any extra time!
I'm hoping to have some sort of consistency with my new weekly post Paleo Food Friday. I can work on this post throughout the week, and then I won't have much to do and can post it Friday morning before work! It worked out well last week for the first installment, so hopefully I can be consistent with it.

6. Get outside and enjoy the season as much as possible!
I'm not a big fan of the winter cold, and I don't go outside hardly at all during Spring because of pollen allergies, so I need to enjoy this weather as much as possible! I need to get my butt out of bed in the mornings and enjoy the crisp air during my morning runs. I need to go trail running at least once a week. I need to get outside everyday!

Question: What goals do you have this season?

Happy Sunday!

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