
Friday, September 26, 2014

Paleo Food Friday #1

Pardon the cheesy name for my new weekly post :)

There are many people who read Paleo blogs and comment on Paleo forums who have yet to make the leap into the lifestyle. Sure, the name Paleo is ridiculously annoying, but its principles are solid.
It's also not restrictive or extreme, two words I hear people use countless times as an excuse for why they believe they can't eat this way.

So every Friday, beginning today, I'm going to show snapshots of Paleo meals I eat throughout the week. I frequently share recipes, but I'm not including those here. Paleo Food Friday is a weekly post with proof that you can eat healthy, whole foods and not feel hungry or restricted or bored!

 I'm here to tell you it is manageable! Long term! I've been Paleo since November 2013 (nearing 1 year!) and it hasn't been difficult at all. I love the way I feel eating Paleo and I love the overall fitness philosophy of the Primal/Paleo way. Ok enough fangirl talk. Here are some of this week's eats!

One of my favorites: breakfast bowl of yum! Our fridge was practically empty Saturday morning, so I scrounged together a few things to make a Paleo breakfast bowl. I have chopped almonds, canned pumpkin, almond butter, "baked" apples, unsweetened coconut, a few chocolate chips (because what's wrong with chocolate for breakfast!), cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice, and coconut milk. It's like a giant bowl of Autumn Paleo oatmeal...sort of. Close enough :)

On Sunday I went to work with Ryan so I could use the gym and then get some work done in the sunny lobby! I don't like to rely on cafeteria food, so Sunday morning I packed my own breakfast to eat after my workout. I chopped up some leftover crock-pot carnitas and added them to two scrambled eggs. Add a few grape tomatoes and you have a delicious and quick paleo breakfast! I also grabbed a passion fruit tea from Starbucks.

Monday's lunch was a "mason jar" salad (that I put in a plastic container and not a mason jar...) I put oil and vinegar at the bottom, followed by tomatoes and cabbage, then mixed greens, then leftover pork, and lastly, roasted broccoli. It was an awesome salad :)

Sorry for the poor quality! There's no natural light and
 condensation set in before I could get a picture!

Tuesday I made a quick breakfast with  Aidell's Habanero Chicken Sausage & scrambled eggs with grapefruit.

I was making red curry chicken on Wednesday when I realized I had no spaghetti squash for the base of the meal! I looked through the fridge to see what I could pull together quicly. Fortunately I had butternut squash and some carrots, so I baked them, mashed them, threw in some spices and other ingredients, and viola -  "mashed potatoes!" I wasn't quite sure how they would turn out, but they were delicious! I'll definitely include the recipe in a post soon! Here's a few pictures for now:

Yesterday Ryan and I went out to eat at a great little BBQ joint called Pizzitola's in the Heights in Houston. The building certainly doesn't look like much from the outside, but we were super impressed with the food. The chef came to our table twice to check on us and even sent out complimentary smoked sausage. The service was great and the food was yummy! AND it was Paleo friendly. Ryan had brisket, and I had ribs. My plate came with four ribs, grilled veggies, and potato salad. (Okay, so I'm sure there are some ingredients in the potato salad that aren't quite Paleo, but I'm not aiming for perfection, especially in restaurants!)

There were only a few bites of chicken left from Wednesday's curry chicken dinner, so I packed it for lunch along with a piece of bacon and some sliced bell peppers and tomatoes. Super paleo-friendly lunch!

Un-Paleo Item: Beer. It's hard to ignore the call of Autumn-themed beers at the grocery store. This week Ryan and I tried Shipwreck Pumpkin Head and Abita Pecan Harvest. Both were great :) The Shipwreck wasn't too pumpkiny like some beers can be this time of year. Abita Pecan Harvest is one of my favorites from Abita, so I have to get a pack at least once this season!

Question: What great eats did you have this week???

Happy Friday!

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