
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Trying to Become a "Morning Workout Person"

I'm writing this post today because I woke up early this morning to get in a workout before I left for work! (No, this is not the first time I've worked out in the morning.) I'm a big fan of working out in the morning; unfortunately, my previous job didn't lend itself to morning workouts. I'm currently trying to make the transition. I've hit snooze a couple of times, but I'd say each morning there's a solid 50% chance of me getting out of bed. So clearly I'm not great at it, and this post is as much for me as it is for anyone else :)

For the past 3 years, I arrived at work between 6:30-6:45 after driving 30 minutes to get there. I also take an hour to get ready in the morning. Let's do some backwards counting: at work by 6:30, leave the house at 6, wake up at if I wanted to get in a workout, then I'd have to be up and at 'em by 4-4:15. I know many people who can manage such a early gym session, but that's too early for me! I managed to drag my butt out of bed at 6:15 on Saturdays to make it to an early group fitness class at my gym, but the rest of my week consisted of afternoon and evening workouts. 

My new teaching job doesn't require such an early arrival. I've been walking out of the door at 8am.  Another bonus: I live 3 minutes away. Yes, three! The only thing that stands between me and work is an incredibly irritating train. I figured if I don't have to leave until 8, then there's almost no excuse for me to get up earlier (about 5:30) and squeeze in a workout, especially since running around and being on my feet all day means there's a good chance I won't want to workout once I get home.

So what steps do I need to take in order to become a morning workout person?

1. Waking up before Ryan
I would feel bad if my alarm kept going off while Ryan was trying to sleep. A couple loud rings are enough to get me out of bed so I don't wake him up. Now I'm up. No point in wasting time. If your alarm doesn't bother your significant other, perhaps you need to find one that's more annoying so they can kick your butt out of bed :)

2. Wearing (most of) your gym clothes to bed
I'm not advocating wearing sports bras to bed...I've tried that trick and I was very uncomfortable. Just put on whatever will allow you to have one less step to worry about in the morning!

3. Having a plan
This is important any time you workout because it keeps you accountable and you're more likely to give it your best effort. It's especially important in the morning because if you don't know what you want to do in the gym or don't know what kind of run you should aim for, then you'll be less motivated to get out of bed. This morning I knew I was going for a short run followed by hill sprints and other leg work. I didn't step outside and wing it - I wrote out my plan last night. When I have a workout routine planned and ready to go, I feel more guilty about bailing!

4. Get your music and podcasts ready
Spend a few minutes browsing for and downloading new podcasts you enjoy, or create a workout playlist that will help you push through your workout in the early hours! This morning I listened to yesterday's Kidd Kraddick in the Morning podcast :) 

5. Get to bed early
I know your doctor has told you this, your personal trainer has told you this, or that annoying person who exercises before work has told you this. Americans don't get nearly enough sleep even when they don't workout, so you're wondering how the heck you're supposed to workout and get enough sleep. Once you start a morning workout habit, you'll naturally go to sleep earlier. Your body is great at regulating itself. I start getting tired at nine, and that's when I start getting ready for bed.

And now you're asking WHY? Why do this to yourself? Well, I've got a list for that, too :)
-Guaranteed "you" time every morning.
-Early morning hours offer the only quiet and calm periods of the day.
-It brings more consistency to your fitness schedule
-Sense of accomplishment before your day begins
-Increases mental acuity 
-Fewer people using your favorite piece of fitness equipment
-You'll sleep like a baby

Question: When do you prefer to work out? If it's in the morning, what gets you out of bed? 


  1. Hi Clare! Working out in the morning before getting your day started is the BEST. I know my entire day is better if I've gotten in a good hour before work, and I don't have to dread going to the gym later!

    1. Exactly! I've been enjoying the change. It's so nice to leave work knowing I don't have to change and head back out to the gym :)
      Thanks for reading!
