
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Indian Spiced Green Eggs - Just Try 'Em!

It's always a good idea to click on a post about green eggs :) You won't be disappointed. Eggs are one of the most nutrient dense foods available...that is, if you don't ditch the yolks! Take a look for yourself!


Even though eggs are packed with nutrients, they can still be quite boring when eaten day after day after day. Part of being a Happy Eater means I need to find new ways to shake things up a bit! Fortunately, eggs are incredibly versatile. I created this super simple Indian Spiced Green Eggs recipe - they were DELICIOUS! Here's the process:

Grab your ingredients: 3 eggs, 1 cup frozen spinach, 2 tablespoons coconut milk, 1 tablespoon herb & garlic goat cheese (found at Trader Joe's, but I've seen a similar product at many grocery stores), 2 tablespoons coconut milk, 1/8 teaspoon each of curry, cumin, and turmeric, and lastly, a pinch of salt.

Next, use an immersion blender (that's what I used) or a food processor to blend all ingredients very well. 

Then pour mixture into a pan heated over medium heat. Cover and allow to cook for about 5-7 minutes, or until egg is cooked through. 

And here's the final product! It doesn't make for a great photograph, but it tasted great!

You can also use this recipe to use up leftovers. You could add any protein left in the fridge (like ground beef or shredded chicken), and you can also throw in chopped veggies (like peppers, onions, broccoli, or mushrooms). 
Here's a more compact recipe. 

This recipe isn't 100% paleo because it includes dairy. You can leave it out if you can't tolerate dairy and replace it with a little more coconut milk or coconut cream. I can tolerate dairy just fine, so I'll categorize this meal as Paleo-ish!

Question: What can you do with eggs to change them up a little bit?

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