
Friday, October 24, 2014

Paleo Food Friday #5

Thanks, Buzzfeed, for putting together this graphic for us :) I love food...notice the blog title...and I don't like to be bored with my food. Some people view Paleo as restrictive, but I really enjoy eating this way! Paleo Food Friday is meant to showcase a few "regular" eats throughout the week. I don't post dinner recipes here (those can be found in other posts or on the recipes page), I post simpler meals, like breakfast and dinner, and also the occasional snack. 

So now let's get to the fun part!

We were running very low on food Saturday. We planned to do our weekly grocery shopping later that day, so our fridge looked quite bare. Fortunately, there were a few pantry items that helped me make a Paleo breakfast bowl!

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This delicious bowl contains: bananas, almonds, pecans, pumpkin, almond butter, plain greek yogurt, coconut milk, shredded coconut, and a few chocolate chips. I put about a dollop of each ingredient (except the you can see it's about a tablespoon of chocolate chips) and savored every last bite.

Rennaissance Fest had many Paleo options (like an enormous turkey leg), but I opted for grilled pork chops...on a stick. 

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I'm not sure what it was about this week, but Monday already felt like Thursday. I was exhausted. A quick breakfast consisting of bacon, sliced bell pepper, sliced apples, and pumpkin dip got me through the morning. 

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Pumpkin dip: 1/2 cup pumpkin, 1-2 tablespoons almond butter, coconut milk,
cinnamon, and 2 tablespoons Greek yogurt. 

Monday night's dinner included Sweet Potato Shepherd's Pie and roasted brussel sprouts. I used the leftover brussel sprouts to make a frittata Tuesday morning - frittatas stuffed with leftovers are quickly becoming a new favorite! I sauteed the brussel sprouts, added two scrambled eggs, and covered the pan and let cook for 5-7 minutes. 
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Wednesday evening I had to give a presentation for grad school (through an online's very strange presenting to 30 people that I can't actually see), and Ryan was working a night shift. A quick and simple salad was perfect for a busy night. 

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My salad included: mixed greens, red cabbage, bell pepper, tomatoes, and some leftover Paleo Pesto Chicken Casserole. 

Thursday morning's breakfast was delicious! Unfortunately, this breakfast bowl doesn't photograph very well due to its off-putting color and texture.

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So...what is it? You need small ripe banana, 1/2 avocado, and 1/2 cup of pumpkin. Mash everything together with a fork until it's mixed really really well. Then, I drizzled some coconut milk and topped everything off with 2 tablespoons of almond butter. If you use a ripe enough banana, this bowl needs no extra sweetener, and it's super yummy :) You can also add nuts, shredded coconut, or chocolate chips to mix things up.

It was actually a struggle to not include this meal more than once in this blog post. When I made Sweet Potato Shepherd's Pie earlier this week, I didn't realize it would make enough to feed a small army. There's still 3 servings left after eating it for dinner and lunch twice! I even brought a hefty portion for a co-worker to eat for his lunch. Fortunately, I found the recipe delicious enough to eat throughout the week. 

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I filled half of a container with Shepherd's pie and half with sliced bell pepper. I also poured some Fiesta Pumpkin Chipotle Salsa on top.

Another week down! I'm feeling much better about work this week. I feel like my energy increased a little bit as the week went on, and my students had two fantastic days in a row at the end of the week. I'm a little apprehensive about next students struggle so much with emotions and excitability, I'm worried Halloween might be a bit overstimulating. Wish me luck :)

Non-Paleo Food Item: because life's too short...I got a little excited about a winter ale I found at Kroger called Jubelale! If you like wintery ales, this one's worth trying. 

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Previous Paleo Food Fridays

Question to readers: What are some of your favorite eats from this week? Are there any Houstonians out there who have restaurant suggestions?

Happy Friday!

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