
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

10 Paleo Tips for Fighting a Cold

I don't get sick that often, and when I do it's really not that big of a deal.  But it is an annoying inconvenience. I try to follow the standard wisdom....fight it early, take hot showers, get plenty of liquids, and get plenty of sleep.

There are still a few Paleo-specific things that seem to help speed things along. Here are 10 of the most useful tips I've found!

Drink homemade broth. Homemade chicken broth helps cure colds. Broth contains minerals in a form the body can absorb easily—calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur and trace minerals. It also contains broken down cartilage and tendons, which contain chondoitin sulphates and glucoasamine, now sold as pricey supplements for joint pain. Click here for more reasons to drink homemade broth, and click here for a recipe!

Honey is antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal, so you can use it to help treat the problem early on, before knowing exactly what the problem is. Here's the have to buy real, raw honey. The FDA decided honey doesn't have contain more than a trace of pollen to be considered honey. So the cheap stuff might do the trick for your breakfast, but to reap the cold-fighting benefits you'll have to get the real stuff. Costco sells raw honey for a great price :) Learn more about the benefits of honey here.

You might be rolling your eyes at this one. I know it's hard to get to bed early when there's so much to do. But if getting extra sleep meant cutting down on the overall time you'll have your cold, isn't it worth it? I may sound like a grandma, but take some benadryl or melatonin at 7:30 and get in bed by 8:30. Your body will thank you in the morning! (Need more proof? Click here.)

Sweet dreams.

4. TEA
Specifically, black tea, green tea, and ginger honey lemon tea. While I was fighting off a cold this past weekend, I had my fair share of 10 cups a day. Tea is so wonderful when you're sick. 
Black tea has tannins, which help you avoid the more embarrassing aspects of being sick. Green tea, when steeped for 3-5 minutes, is loaded with antioxidants that will help your body do its job. Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory, and adding it to your tea will help ease sore throats, headaches, and congestion. And lastly, a warm drink simply makes you feel better!

While it might be a good idea to get some fresh air and go for a short walk, going to your biweekly intensive training session or group fitness class might not be all that helpful. Just be you feel weak, jittery, lackluster, or achy? Sit this week out. Your body needs the energy. Are you really sniffly, but you feel like you could run a 10K? Go for it. Listen to your body. Don't worry if you have to give up on mile 2. Rest up and be ready for your comeback workout. 

Notice how exhausted and sick this guy is in this fantastic stock photo?

6. YOGURT (Not officially Paleo, but it is Primal...close enough.)
I realize that most people have no desire to consume dairy when they're sick; but if you are able to stomach some yogurt, it could be quite helpful. The paleo/primal diets are big on the idea of a healthy gut flora, and one of the most gut-friendly foods out there is plain full-fat yogurt. Healthy gut bacteria will help your body do its job, and it can prevent colds as well by helping your digestive tract become inhospitable to viruses. To read more on the benefits of full fat dairy, click here! (Just a note...Strawberry Yoplait doesn't do the trick. Find the real, plain, full-fat stuff!)

Gargling salt water can moisten a sore throat, get rid of that annoying tickle, and stop an emerging infection. When you gargle, the salt can draw excess fluid from irritated tissue, allowing that annoying lump in your throat to ease up a bit. It also loosens mucus, which holds in all kinds of funky stuff like allergens and bacteria. 

Coconut oil seems to do everything. Apparently, a few extra spoonfuls of coconut oil can help shorten the length of your cold. The lauric acid in coconut oil is thought to dissolve the lipid coating around viruses and make them more vulnerable to attacks from your immune system. We don't have real proof of this one, but you can work this into your routine easily enough by swapping olive oil or butter for coconut oil when you cook. 


Even if spicy food isn't your thing, it's still one of the best ways to clear your congested head. I thought just about everyone used this tip when they got sick, but I've recently come across a few people who thought it was a novel idea. Maybe it's a southern thing? Add hot sauce to everything. Soup. Eggs. Salad/Veggies. Potatoes. Find a way!

You're already miserable, so do something nice for yourself. Ice cream feels really good on a sore throat! Make sure you're still feeding your body nutritious foods (lay off the ramen), and then reward yourself for putting up with this nuisance of a cold. 

Ben and Jerry's Pumpkin Cheesecake Ice Cream.
That was my rewards :)

Question to readers: What tips/tricks do you have for cold and flu season???

Good night!

1 comment:

  1. Really interesting tips, I will definitely add them to my natural cold remedy repertoire! I drink apple cider vinegar and ginger tea (and tumeric tea) when I'm feeling sick. And sometimes steam my face and do alternate nostril breathing to clear my sinuses.
