
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

S'mores Bark! Not Paleo. Still Wonderful.

I often tell people that I don't have favorite foods. It is quite difficult for me to choose among so many wonderfully delicious options. And even though I wouldn't say I have a favorite dessert, I would say that there is one dessert in particular that would be impossible to pass up. That dessert is S'mores.

I think camping nostalgia has a lot to do with it. There's nothing better than sitting in a camping chair in the dark next to an enormous fire. Your face is warm, your back is freezing, and there's a giant bag of marshmallows nearby. It's the best.

So when there are no campfires around, you have to improvise. S'mores bark is a fantastic substitute!

You'll need:
2 1/2 cups dark chocolate chips
1 1/2 cups marshmallows
6 graham crackers
a 13x9 inch pan/baking dish
wax paper

First, toast the marshmallows using the broil setting on the oven. I laid the marshmallows out on a baking sheet and let them toast for a few minutes. You must watch them! They brown very quickly and oven-burnt marshmallows don't taste as good as fire-burnt marshmallows.

Next, break and crumble your graham crackers into desired bite sized pieces.

Then, get out your 13x9 pan and place wax paper at the bottom.

Pour the chocolate chips into a sauce pan on medium-low heat. Stir the chips frequently until they have completely melted. Once the chocolate is melted, pour into the 13x9 pan quickly. Overcooking the chocolate will make it chunky!

Lie the graham cracker pieces down in the chocolate. Lightly push them towards the bottom of the pan.

The next part is tricky. Those marshmallows you toasted will be a little difficult to remove from the baking sheet. I suggest you use the thinnest, flattest spatula you can find to scrape them up. Once you break that outer layer of the marshmallow, the gooey inside will stick to everything. We had a little problem, which is why our marshmallows aren't as spread out as they could be. 

Carefully place the marshmallows on top of the graham crackers and chocolate. If you want to add more untoasted marshmallows to even things out, go for it!

Dessert doesn't need to look pretty. It was delicious and that's all that matters :)

Question: Are you a big s'mores fan? What dessert/any food do you love when you go camping?

Good night!


  1. I stumbled upon your blog and saw this post and just had to comment! My sorority baked a bunch of smores bars for our Philanthropy event and we have so many leftovers... so it's safe to say that smores bars have been my choice of dessert {and sadly snack sometimes}. Sooooo good! I'll have to try your recipe now that i'm obsessed!
