
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Fitness Sweet Spot + Thanksgiving Week Festivities

I'm writing this post from New Orleans! Ryan and I drove in Saturday morning and have been visiting and playing tourist! Here are a few updates from our vacation so far.

Friday: Thanksgiving Part 1. (There will be four parts!) On Friday, teachers and students joined together to make a Thanksgiving Feast! There were so many delicious meals and fun decorations! I don't have all of the pictures, but here are a couple:

We glued pine needles around our table runner, and the students made name settings and a turkey center piece!

Our students also made paper craft (minecraft-esque) Thanksgiving themed characters.

Saturday: We got into the city around 1pm and visited with his parents. Then we ate diner with my parents and visited friends in the lower garden district.

Sunday: On Sunday, I had my second Thanksgiving dinner at my grandmother's home. After an appetizer of turtle soup, they brought out the entree. It was surprisingly Paleo-friendly, with just an itty bitty scoop of potatoes and stuffing. The rest of plate was packed with meat and green beans :)
Later, we had dinner with Ryan's parents. His mom made spaghetti squash to go with my meal. So sweet :)

Monday: We went to the World War II museum. I've been several times since it opened in 2000, but there were a few extra movies and exhibits that I hadn't seen before. 



The picture doesn't do the plane justice. This is four floors up and there
are human-sized mannequins in the cockpit.
We also saw Tom Hanks' film "Beyond All Boundaries" and highly suggest that everyone go see it!

Tuesday: Onto today's topic- Fitness sweet spot. I feel like right now I'm in a really good groove in terms of ability. I'm very happy with my current fitness routine.

I've been going to a group fitness class twice a week at 5am. I aim to get in at least two more workouts during the week outside of class. Trail running is usually included, and I'm also including sprinting more often. I feel like I have the strength I want and I can go run a few miles without struggling. That's my sweet spot - being able to do a bunch of things pretty well. I can't spit out a 10 miler right now and I can't lift all that much, but I can hold my own with squats, planks, push ups, and short runs :)

Here's the workout I completed today, after a 20 minute run: 

Question: What plans do you have this week? I have two more Thanksgiving meals this week: one on Thursday with my family and another with Ryan's on Friday!

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