
Friday, November 21, 2014

Paleo Food Friday #9

Maybe I plan our weekly grocery trip a little too carefully...we always seem to run out of food on Saturday. But no worries...Ryan ordered takeout from Thai Spice, one of our frequented Houston restaurants, and we happily chowed down on curry. I gave Ryan my share of rice and ate curry over salad. 

Green curry with eggplant, green beans, and pork.

After our trail run on Friday night, we were given a few goodie bags with a lot of workout supplements. Most of them were full of sugar and junk that doesn't really do much of anything, but I did find one supplement that was a combination of powdered vegetables and stevia. It sounds gross, but it wasn't all that bad. I used it to sweeten a spinach & almond butter smoothie :)

Tea was a major part of my week. I had a cold over the weekend (and it didn't stick around to long, thanks to these Paleo cold tips!) and I love drinking tea when I have a cold. It makes everything better. I went to work on Monday with my own box of tissues, my Luling Elementary mug, and multiple bags of tea. (Our school doesn't have substitutes, so going to work while sick is quite necessary!)

This breakfast was the perfect way to fight a cold. Nutritious eggs w/ hot sauce, homemade broth, tea, and pomegranate seeds!

I love that pomegranates are on sale every week at Kroger. Two pomegranates make about 2 cups of seeds, and I've been putting them on everything! Wednesday's lunch was a salad with mixed greens, tomatoes, bell peppers, avocado, and pomegranate seeds. I also have pomegranate vinegar from Trader Joe's, so I added just a little bit of the vinegar (it's quite strong) with some olive oil on my salad. Yum :)

I may never buy a store-made rotisserie chicken again. When I roast a whole chicken at home, I can be in control of what kind of meat I'm getting and what ingredients go on the chicken. It's SO simple and delicious. Click here for my recipe!

I had a typical breakfast this morning: pumpkin dip, which I eat at least three times a week (pumpkin, almond butter, honey, cinnamon, sometimes yogurt), sliced apples, and pomegranate seeds.

NON-PALEO FOOD ITEM...because life's too short.
S'mores are the best. I found a recipe for s'mores bark not too long ago, and I decided to try my own version. It was pretty simple and quite good! It paired well with wine ;) Click here for a s'mores bark recipe!

Question: What are some of your favorite eats from this week?

Happy Friday!

Previous Paleo Food Fridays


  1. Oh yum that pumpkin dip sounds amazing! I love pomegranates too but am not a huge fan of TJ's pomegranate vineger

    1. It is a really strong vinegar! I used it in a chicken recipe and it was definitely overpowering. If you cut it with some white vinegar, it makes it a little more palatable.
