
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Favorite Body Weight Exercises!

Getting up super early makes me sleepy, but I love getting in a good workout before the day starts. And just like everyone else, there are certain parts of circuit workouts I love and certain parts I really hate.

LOVE - Burpees


Most ecards and memes I found on burpees said something along the lines of "I love burpees....said no one ever." Most people hate burpees, but I love them. There are some exercises, even if I do them well, I feel silly or I just don't get the appeal. But burpees are great. You can't beat the effectiveness of a squat jump push up combo!

LOVE- Lunge Jumps

I've been doing these since I competed in gymnastics. Our coach called them "running men" and we had to do SO many! Your legs will burn and your heart will race!



These are awesome. It works most of your core because you need to coordinate your legs and upper body while not falling over! And don't just fall back down once you've reached the 'v'. Lower down slowly.

LOVE- Regular Planks

Whether you can hold a plank for 30 seconds or three minutes, it's an incredibly effective core workout. If your ab workout has been getting a little too easy lately, add in two minute-and-a-half planks before you start your regular ab/core series. 

LOVE- Box Jumps

The boot camp instructor never includes box jumps, and that's a shame because they're so fun! Right now, they're not too challenging because the only place I can find to jump is a park bench. When I go to New Orleans and use the fitness equipment in City Park, they're much tougher because there are platforms of varying heights. 

HATE- Plank Up & Downs

You wouldn't think these would be all that bad, especially since I expressed my love for regular blanks, but I can't stand this exercise. It irritates my shoulders and skins my elbows. I don't like them. At all. I'll take twice as many tricep push ups and regular planks any day over these.

HATE- Crab Walks

These are annoying because the position pinches my triceps, and I can never keep my butt up that high! I don't find them all that tough...I just hate the movement!

LOVE - "Take a lap!"


I love taking a lap between circuit rounds because it gives me a chance to breathe! Some people sprint the lap. I'll save the sprinting for the hills...this lap is for catching my breath! Slow & steady.

So what are some of your favorite exercises? Or some of your most hated exercises?

1 comment:

  1. I love burpees too, such a great full-body move! I hate jump lunges but still force myself to do them because they are good for me haha :)
