
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Looking Back at Autumn Resolutions

In September, I made a post about "Autumn Resolutions" because Fall seems to motivate people more than New Years...or at least that's true for me! I wanted to check in with those resolutions and see how I've been doing :)

Here goes nothing.

1. Smile everyday at work.
Done and done. My students have many issues related to trust and adult consistency, and in order to help them move beyond those things I try to be as consistent as possible. This week has been especially difficult as extreme behaviors are being presented, but I try to keep smiling. I may not be perfect, but I've greatly improved in this area from last year!

2. Remain consistent with my workouts.
Ugh. What a week to ask myself that question. Last week we went out of town for Thanksgiving, and I had a cold the week before. So I have not been super consistent. I did, however, get in a handful of workouts over those two weeks, and I'm back at it this week.
My routine has also changed a lot since I wrote that post. I joined a morning boot camp class, which gives me a default of two workouts a week. It's up to me to include at least two more a week. I certainly am not able to get in 5-6 tough workouts, but that isn't necessary anyway. I can say I get in 3 challenging workouts and 1 or 2 additional easy paced exercises like walking or a short jog...on a good week :)

3. Eat more vegetables at breakfast.
So I know avocados are technically fruit, but that's all I got! Okay, that's not entirely true. I have been making an effort to use leftover veggies in my eggs. Yesterday, I used leftover broccoli and red onions in a frittata! I can say most days I eat veggies with breakfast, if we're counting those vegetables-that-are-really-fruits like avocados and pumpkin!

Frittata w/ leftover chicken, broccoli, and red onion.
4. Stretch more often.
Fail. I'm going to go stretch now.

5. Get into a blogging schedule. 
I haven't entirely failed at this one, but I can't say I've nailed anything down. My "somewhat of a schedule" usually includes two recipes a week, maybe one workout a week, and Paleo Food Friday every week. I generally write four posts a week, and this is the first week in a while I've been able to write five. The goal was to write one on each week day and take the weekend off to gather ideas and step away from the computer. There are countless topics, but sometimes I can't decide what angle to write from or I just don't feel as passionate about a topic as other Paleo bloggers. So it's not perfect, but that's okay. I do have a full time job and grad school classes to worry about, too :)

6. Get outside and enjoy the season as much as possible. 
I think I managed this one quite well! For a while, Ryan and I went trail running every weekend. (We took a break when he hurt his ankle and I caught a cold.) I go outside once or twice with my students each day, once for "Fitness" and again for recess. One thing I haven't kept up with are my long walks along Buffalo Bayou. I just haven't been able to find the time after work.

Other than my goal to stretch more often, I think I managed to maintain the goals quite well!

Future adjustments:
  • Try harder to fit in stretching!
  • Find time to go on long walks along Buffalo Bayou.
  • Get more organized with blog post ideas.
  • Remain consistent with all other goals!

Question: What are some of your goals this late Fall/early winter season?

Good night!

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