
Friday, December 5, 2014

Paleo Food Friday #10

I think this week was one of the fastest post-holiday-back-to-work weeks ever! The reason, I think,is that there were some crazy days mixed in with really great days. And suddenly it's Friday :)

And since it's Friday, today's post will be following the tradition of Paleo Food Friday where I share paleo eats from the week. I started this weekly post to address concerns/comments that the Paleo "diet" isn't sustainable and that it's too restrictive. False! It's awesome, and real food is delicious. 

So without further ado....

On Saturday, I used up some Thanksgiving leftovers. I made Paleo mashed sweet potatoes for one of the many Thanksgiving celebrations, so Saturday morning I made a kind of sweet potato pancake. I mixed half a cup of mashed sweet potatoes with two beaten eggs. I cooked the mixture in a skillet like a pancake, and it came out pretty well. 

Sunday we had gumbo! Ryan's mom made turkey gumbo with the turkey from Thanksgiving, and it was so good. I left out the rice in order to keep the carb count down...I think I like it better that way anyway. Gumbo is so delicious - what's the point of putting flavorless rice in there to lesson the yumminess? Ryan and I both had large bowls of gumbo and a salad. 

On Monday, I made Coconut Lime soup! The recipe made enough for both me and Ryan to have the leftovers all week, and that rarely happens.

On Tuesday, I had a pretty typical lunch. Mixed greens, chicken sausage, almonds, bell peppers, and oil & vinegar dressing

Wednesday night I made Buffalo Ranch Chicken from the blog Primally Inspired. I always make a few changes to this recipe.  I don't recook the chicken in the bell peppers because it dries out the chicken. I also don't stuff the bell peppers. Instead, I slice them into "nachos" and we eat the buffalo ranch chicken on the "nachos" with salsa and avocado. 

We had plenty of leftovers from the buffalo ranch chicken recipe, so I had them for both breakfast and lunch! For breakfast, I sauteed the leftover chicken and onions, and I also added some broccoli to the mix. Then I poured three beaten eggs over the veggies and let it cook for about eight minutes. Delicious frittata!

For lunch that same day, I had the leftover chicken and onions on a salad. 

I found this recipe for bacon chorizo meatloaf on PaleOMG and decided to give it a try. It. Was. Awesome. I added two ingredients - Tony Chachere's and Worcestershire sauce - to the original recipe. And the other addition I made was to the sauce. The original recipe on the blog for chipotle sauce was not nearly flavorful or spicy enough to be "chipotle." I looked through my pantry to see what I could add. Here's what I added to the original chipotle sauce recipe: buffalo sauce, chili powder, and butter. So I guess it's no longer "chipotle" exactly, but at least it's delicious :)

Bacon Chorizo meat loaf with chipotle sauce and a side of roasted broccoli.

NON-PALEO FOOD ITEM THIS WEEK...because life's too short.
Today after work I had a handful of chips dipped in queso. Chips are usually a weakness of mine, so the fact that I didn't eat a ton of them is progress :) But I, of course, had to have at least a few chips and queso!

Happy Friday! I hope you enjoy the weekend!

Question: What are some of your favorite eats from this week?

Previous Paleo Food Fridays

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