
Monday, December 15, 2014

Paleo Diet vs. Primal Diet, and does it really matter anyway?

Even though blogging is just a hobby, there's something about it that makes me feel accomplished. And when there are holes or discrepancies or unclear terms used, I feel like I need to remedy that!

I use the terms 'paleo' and 'primal' interchangeably, but they aren't really the same thing. Paleo refers to a number of diets, but the first popular one came from a book called "The Paleo Diet" by Loren Cordain. Primal refers to the Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. It's not just one diet book, but a website with thousands of articles, a couple of lifestyle books, cookbooks, and a certified nutrition expert program.

But at the end of the day does it really matter which one you adhere to? It depends on who you ask. If you check out some paleo forums on Redditt, for example, there are some intense "You're not doing it right!" paleo community members. They have too much time on their hands. I'm not saying everyone in the paleo community acts that way, but some people take life more seriously than others. The primal community, on the other hand, seems to embrace the idea that each person is just doing the best they can. And that's much more appealing.


  • Both dietary styles have the same basic idea - that we should eat natural foods that have been consumed for a very long time. 
  • Both diets avoid grains and processed foods.
  • Both diets see the importance of including a variety of foods - different fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
  • Neither diet has to be a "low carb" diet. They both work well as a high fat / low carb diet, but foods like fruit, squash, and sweet potatoes are paleo&primal friendly while also providing a healthy amount of carbs. Athletes or anyone who works out frequently may benefit from a moderate-carb diet. It all depends; we're all different. 
  • Both stress the importance of a omega 3:6 balance
  • The consumption of high fat dairy is more accepted in the primal community. 
  • Primal is more of a way of life...allow me to explain before I sound a little kooky. 
    • The idea is that we should do more than just eat well. We should also live well.
    • Consider what causes you stress and think about how to effectively deal with that stress. 
    • Include long walks or bike rides into your weekly routine, not for the calorie burn but for the mind-clearing qualities. Play tennis, frisbee, tag, whatever you can. 
    • Do some strength work and sprints every once in a while.
    • Get plenty of sleep. If it's at all possible, wake up to the sun. I know most of us get up before sunrise, but when it's possible I like to let the sun wake me up :)
    • Declutter your life. This is something I am constantly working on. Closets don't need to be stuffed. 
    • When you're sick, press the pause button and take care of yourself.
    • Enjoy life. If that means you want chocolate cake, eat a piece of chocolate cake - not everyday, but every once in a while when cake is necessary. Follow the 80/20 on point 80% of the time, and for the remaining 20% do the best you can and indulge when necessary.
While many of these things are certainly easier said than done, it's important to remind ourselves that food is only one aspect of health. The Primal Blueprint is more comprehensive. And even though it involves more aspects of our lives, it also seems less intense and more manageable in the long run.

With that said, there are many paleo folks who would argue their diet is nearly identical and they have a "lifestyle" aspect, too. So it's hard to pin down true differences. 


Do what works for you in that moment, keeping your long term goals of health and longevity in mind. I may not always want to get up at 4:30 to make it to 5am fitness classes, but I know I really enjoy them and have never regretted going. So I go. I know I really enjoy going out to eat. We don't go out to eat all that often, so I don't worry too much about what I choose to eat in that moment. 

Eat a variety of non-processed foods, move frequently, sleep, and de-stress where you can. Those things matter whether or not you adhere to a particular diet :)

Question: When living a healthy lifestyle, what do you think matters most?

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