
Friday, October 10, 2014

Paleo Food Friday #3

Wohoo! We've made it to the third installment!

When it comes to food, I think Julia Child said it best:

I've heard many people claim that they view food as fuel and nothing else. That's so sad. They can have their soylent, and I'll continue with being happy during meal times :)

If you haven't read a Paleo Food Friday post before, this is a glimpse at some Paleo food items that I eat throughout the week. I am often asked how manageable Paleo is in the real world, so I created this weekly post to prove it is both manageable and nonrestrictive! I won't include recipes here. Those will still be included about twice a week in daily posts. But if I reference an old recipe, you can click the hyperlink to view the original post!

Previous PFFs

Here are some eats from the week:

Ryan and I went to the zoo on Saturday morning, and it was actually a tad chilly! When we got back, I wanted a small lunch so I had grapefruit and a Paleo Pumpkin Spice Latte made with actual canned pumpkin, coconut milk, spices, and honey. 
Latte, grapefruit, cool weather, and football :)

Ryan and I went trail running Sunday morning. I was hungry when I woke up, so I wanted to make sure breakfast was filling enough for our run later. I had two eggs over easy, 1/2 avocado, and almonds. I don't like baking eggs into the avocado because avocados get weird when they're cooked. But putting a cooked egg into a raw avocado is a perfect solution :)

Last week I made Cinnamon Apple "Oatmeal" and quickly fell in love. After writing a blogpost with the recipe, I found myself with tons of leftover cauliflower rice, so I made a few more batches! I also happened to have some pumpkin leftover, so I created pumpkin cinnamon apple oatmeal :)
Yes, a few morsels of dark chocolate are
totally acceptable in the morning :)

This meal is definitely one of those "get rid of ALL the leftovers" kind of meal. We only had a few meatballs leftover from the Spicy Italian Meatballs recipe, so I also baked some garlic pesto tilapia from Costco to add to the meal. And of course we love roasted broccoli with any meal!

This meal is probably one of Ryan's favorites. I found a recipe for Buffalo Ranch Chicken Stuffed Peppers on Primally Inspired. I no longer complete the last step, which involves stuffing the peppers and reheating the chicken. I always end up drying out chicken, and this meal is super messy and difficult to eat, so I just decided to cut up the bell peppers and make "nachos" instead of stuffing them with chicken. We had the buffalo ranch chicken, roasted onions, sliced avocado, and salsa for the "nachos."

Okay, so this next one may look a little gross, but I promise it's good! Last week, I posted a quick pumpkin pudding recipe on PFF#2. This week, I made a slightly different "pudding." You'll need one ripe banana, 1/2 avocado, plain greek yogurt (if you can handle dairy), pumpkin, cinnamon, and honey. Using a fork, I mixed the banana and avocado very well. Then I added in a dollop of pumpkin and a dollop of yogurt. Lastly, I added cinnamon and honey. Mix super well and add any toppings you find yummy! I added a little but of almond butter and almonds. You could also add coconut or chocolate or get the point :)
Sorry about the color...the avocado and pumpkin
didn't make a pretty combo. 

This was actually Thursday's dinner...sorry I didn't eat anything interesting today! For dinner on Thursday, I made a paleo English muffin (1 T almond flour, 1 T coconut flour, 1 egg, 1/2 t baking powder, pinch of salt, mix really well and microwave for 1:50) and topped it with pizza ingredients. I can't fit many ingredients on a little English muffin. I managed to get pesto, tomato sauce, pepperoni, and goat cheese (primal, but not officially paleo) on the "bread" and popped it in the microwave for a few seconds to melt the cheese. I had a loaded salad with my mini pizzas, and I was definitely happy :)

NON-PALEO ITEM THIS WEEK: because we're all human...Trader Joe's S'Mores Ice Cream Sandwich 

I had one ice cream sandwich earlier this week :)

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! I actually have a three day weekend - for the first time in my life, I have Columbus day off! What a treat :) Happy Friday!

Previous Paleo Food Fridays:

Question: What are some of your favorite eats from this week?

1 comment:

  1. Some great eats here! How long have you been following the Paleo diet? I like a lot of Paleo recipes, but do not follow the diet consciously.
