
Friday, November 7, 2014

When Exercise Becomes a Chore

Consistency is difficult. It's not easy to make healthy choices day in and day out. We're adults, and making good choices is difficult. Okay, it's said and done.

So how can we make some choices a little bit easier? We all know we should work out, but sometimes we don't know what that really means or if we care enough to do it. Yesterday Mark Sisson from Mark's Daily Apple wrote a post on the "10 Rules of Successful Exercise." As I was reading through them, I thought it would be a good idea to share a few of them here along with some personal experiences :)

1. Do the thing you love.
Some people love sweating it out on the treadmill. I'd rather not. Some people live for spin class or Zumba. Some people, like me, love running only on certain days. If working out has become a chore, then it's time to reflect on our exercise choices. Are our choices sustainable if we don't enjoy the activity? In a society where we use "no time" as an excuse for everything, should we be wasting time on forms of exercise we think we should do?
If you love to dance, there are dance studios that have classes for adults. If you love team sports, look for a local soccer team or ultimate frisbee team. If you're not sure what you love, take the time to experiment. I know I enjoy basic boot camp and circuit style fitness classes. I found a local company that has classes in a nearby park. I also love tumbling, and I've often thought about looking for adult gymnastics classes...or at least something similar.
If you don't enjoy what you're doing, there is no incentive to continue doing it. Most days, you couldn't pay me to get on a treadmill or an elliptical. I rarely include them in my workouts. Perhaps you're not a big fan of boot camp classes, but you really enjoy playing tennis. Make it happen!

2. Get a workout buddy.
Often Ryan and I will go trail running together. But outside of that, I haven't really utilized the workout buddy. I do, however, enjoy seeing the same people each week in my group fitness class. There's one person who is incredibly athletic, so I've made it my goal to be able to complete as many plank up/downs as she can! Having a consistent group and a fitness instructor keeping a close eye on our progress keeps me from slacking off.

3. Work out outside.
Sunlight and fresh air are important! Being outside with natural things like trees and dirt are good for you, and the natural Vitamin D is essential. Houston is flat, so mountain biking or hiking is not really feasible, but there are a few running trails and nice parks and neighborhoods to see. Go beyond the four walls!

4. Incorporate play to make the workouts fun.
This ties in a little bit with the first tip. When we view exercise as play, then we don't really think of it as exercise and have more positive feelings towards the activity. Playing frisbee, for example, requires quick sprints and jumping. Playing frisbee is a lot more fun than setting up a rigid sprint/jump workout circuit.
I'm terrible at tennis, but I enjoy attempting to hit the ball over the net. Running back and forth in quick bursts is fantastic exercise! But no one would do it if it didn't involve an actual game. I also like getting involved in recess! My students are active and like to run laps, play volleyball, play soccer, and race each other during recess. Instead of just watching them, I jump in every once in a while. It's a lot of fun, and I didn't have to convince myself to get up and go workout. We were just having fun!

5. Release your attachment to the outcome. 
So often, we worry about what we'll get out of each workout. This could mean losing weight, losing inches, running a faster 5K, or fitting into a certain item of clothing. While those goals can be important and helpful, sometimes it's nice to exercise without worrying about the outcome. Allow yourself to exercise for the immediate benefits, like clearing your mind, spending time with a friend, or enjoying nature.

For the entire list from Mark's website, click here.

Question: What do you do to beat the workout boredom???

Paleo Food Friday #7 coming later today!

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